Gordon Peeks Class Act Scholarships
Eligibility: Open to North Platte Public Schools employees in good standing.
- Must plan to stay with NPPS for the next school year.
- Must represent the district’s ideals and goals.
- Courses must relate directly to your NPPS position and be from an accredited source.
Scholarship Details:
- Funded through the CLASS ACT campaign and administered by NPPSF in memory of long time educator Gordon Peeks.
- Funds are reimbursed after submitting a final report, certificate, grade report, and class summary.
- Must use funds within one year or they will be redistributed.
- Amount and distribution decided by a review committee.
Reapplication Policy: Wait 2 years before reapplying if you’ve previously received a NPPSF Staff scholarship.
Public Disclosure: Awardees agree to allow NPPSF to share results with NPPS District employees.
Deadline: October 15, 2024 and March 1, 2025
Teacher Scholarships 100% Supported by Class Act Employee Donations
2023-2024 Scholarship Recipients
- Amie Albrech tHigh School/Counseling/School Counselor
- Lucas Albrecht NPHS/PE/Teacher & Coach
- Lisa Birge North Platte Public Schools Special Education Vision Service Provider
- Joshua Bruck High School/Social Studies/Teacher
- Nicole Bruck Elementary Library Media Specialist
- Shelly Byrn Eisenhower Elementary PE Teacher and Head Varsity Volleyball Coach
- Carolyn Cline NPHS accompanist/para
- Lyndsey Douglas Director of Elementary Teaching and Learning
- Becky Gibbens Eisenhower Elementary School Counselor
- Nashea MedunaA dams Middle School / English Department / 8th Grade English
- Sandra Mejia-Quezada High School/ World Languages/ Spanish Teacher
- Ruth Meyer Adams Middle School, Social Studies, 8th grade teacher
- Kyle Milton North Platte High School/Math/Teacher
- Sky Seery North Platte High School / School Counselor
- Adam Sterup Adams Middle School - 8th Grade History
Since its beginning in 2009, the North Platte Public Schools Foundation has been able to award nearly $44,000 in education assistance grants to 65 of your colleagues.