Reconnect with classmates and friends
Many classes use this page as the primary point of information for their reunions and other gatherings.
The Foundation maintains this page as a free service to all NPHS alumni. Keep an eye on this page, and check back frequently.
NPHS 1955 Class has resumed monthly lunches on the third Tuesday of every month at 11:30 a.m. at Merrick’s Ranch House-1220 E Fourth in North Platte. This hasn't been verified in 2025
NPHS Class of 1971 has planned 2025 lunches at 11:30 (Wednesday) and suppers at 6:00pm (Thursday) please RSVP to Ruthie Sheets @308-530-6611 Lunches are Jan 8, Feb 12, April 9, June 11, Aug 13, Oct 8, Nov 12 and Dec 10. Supper dates are: March 13, May 8, July 10, Sept 11
REUNION COORDINATORS: Interested in having some of the planning done for you?
The last Friday and Saturday in July each year the Foundation will be hosting Evening of Excellence on Friday. It is a themed evening of recognizing Distinguished Alumni and raising money for the students and teachers at North Platte Public School District.
On Saturday is the Bulldog Golf Classic with the NPHS Booster Club. Lake Maloney Golf Course will be the place to be for a 9:00 A.M. Shotgun start with fun activities along the course and there is food after.
If you want more information please call the foundation 308-696-3325 or email
Following is the list of upcoming class reunions that have been shared with the Foundation.
If you are a reunion coordinator, please send your information about your class gathering to
If your class has their plans in place and you don’t see the information below, please send your information to the Foundation
so we can help you spread the word. We would love to share some photos from your reunions.
To receive reunion information and other news, please update your contact information by completing our online form.
The Foundation maintains a database for all alumni classes.
Upcoming Reunions
60 Years
NPHS 1965
Class Reunion: September 12 & 13, 2025
Contact Mary at or 308-534-9123
55 Years
NPHS 1970
50 Years
NPHS 1975
Class Reunion: July 25 & 26, 2025
Facebook Page NPHS Class of 1975
40 Years
NPHS 1985
Facebook Page: NPHS Class of 1985
35 Years
NPHS Class of 1990
Facebook Page: North Platte High School-Class of 1990
30 Years
NPHS 1995
Class Reunion:
Facebook Page: North Platte High School Class of 1995
25 Years
NPHS 2000
Facebook Page: North Platte high School Class of 2000
20 Years
NPHS 2005
Facebook Page: North Platte
10 Years
NPHS 2015
Facebook Page: North Platte High School Class of 2015
Planning a reunion? Notify of any information or save the dates. It will be shared here.

Past Reunions
NPHS Class of 1969
Contact: Renae Sexson (308)530-3153 or Janie McCarthy (308) 539-3388
NPHS Class of 1972 Facebook Page
NPHS Class of 1979
Facebook NPHS Class of 1979
NPSH Class of 1982
Website: North Platte HS Class of 82
Please join their Facebook page
NPHS Class of 2002 Facebook Page
North Platte High School Class of '09